
BIO WITALY LIMITED Vision Plaza 3rd fl.Mombasa road

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Welcome to BioWitaly, where sustainability meets innovation in waste management.

Waste Management

Waste management is the systematic collection, transportation, processing, recycling, and disposal of waste. It aims to reduce the negative impacts of waste on human health and the environment. Effective waste management involves various strategies and practices to handle different types of waste in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. Here are key aspects of waste management:

Book our service!

Vision Plaza, 3rd floor NAIROBI – P.O.Box 55903 – 00200 City Square


Benefits of organic recycling

Organic recycling is the process of converting organic waste materials into compost or other valuable products that can be used to improve soil health, reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Most people understand this as composting. This process is an important part of the larger effort to transition to a more sustainable and circular economy. Organic waste includes a wide range of materials, such as food scraps, yard waste, and other biodegradable materials. When these materials are sent to landfills, they decompose in an anaerobic environment, producing methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. By diverting organic waste from landfills and converting it into useful products, organic recycling can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Some individuals may compost in their homes for use in their gardens or to reduce their individual carbon footprint. However, for many businesses and organizations, it is difficult to organize these composting efforts on a large scale

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Waste Differentiation: Wet vs Dry

Wet Waste

What is it?

Wet waste, the unsung hero of decomposable materials – think food scraps, kitchen waste, and garden debris.

Why Does It Matter?

Because these materials are your compost goldmine! Moist and full of potential, wet waste transforms into nutrient-rich compost, enhancing soil health and fertility.

Waste Differentiation: Wet vs Dry

Dry Waste

What is it?

Dry waste, the sturdy soldiers of non-biodegradables – paper, plastics, metals, glass, and more.

Why Does it Matter?

This waste has a second life. Through recycling, we give these materials a chance to be reborn, reducing environmental impact, conserving resources, and minimizing new production needs.

What we stand for

BioWitaly’s Green Pillars

  1. Smart Disposal: Segregating at the source ensures that each waste type follows its destined path, optimizing recycling and composting processes.
  2. Reducing Landfill Impact: By diverting organic waste from landfills, we mitigate methane emissions and contribute to a safer, more sustainable environment.
  3. Production of GREEN Ernergy: In the last years the technology allows us to get green energy from the organic waste, using domestic and/or industrial plant able to transform the organic waste in BIOGAS and ELECTRICITY.

Contact Info

Vision Plaza 3rd fl.
Mombasa road
P.O.Box 55903-00200

The Importance of Biodegradable Bags and the Non- Biodegradable

Biodegradable Bags

Biodegradable bags

Within the realm of environmental responsibility, our biodegradable bags emerge as pivotal contributors to a sustainable future. These bags undergo a graceful return to nature through a natural decomposition process, leaving no lasting scars on the environment. This exemplifies a commitment to a plastic-free environment, mitigating the presence of plastic pollutants and fortifying the defense of marine life and ecosystems against the harmful repercussions associated with non-biodegradable alternatives. Going beyond conventional disposal practices, our bags evolve into catalysts for soil enrichment, actively participating in the creation of nutrient-rich compost. This dual functionality not only enhances soil fertility but also fosters the development of a healthier ecosystem. With each bag’s decomposition, we affirm our dedication to a future where sustainability and environmental well-being are seamlessly intertwined.

The Importance of Biodegradable Bags and the Non- Biodegradable

Non-Biodegradable Bags​

Non-Biodegradable Bags


In the ongoing fight against environmental problems, non-biodegradable bags are a big issue. They stick around for ages, causing a plastic mess that lasts way too long. These bags release harmful stuff, making the global plastic pollution crisis worse. They also harm animals, causing problems like getting stuck or eating the bags. And, because these bags last forever, they fill up landfills, causing more issues and even contributing to methane emissions. At BioWitaly, we believe in a simple solution: Biodegradable bags matter. We’re all about using bags that don’t stick around, doing good for the Earth and making our future cleaner and better.